Setup the types of products that your business sells and uses. This allows you to group your products into manageable categories. Reports such as the Sales report can be run per product type. For example you may have Retail and Professional product types.
Commission structures also rely on your Product Types to allow you to specify different commission percentages for a particular type of product.
Adding and Editing Product Types
- Browse to the Product Types screen under the Settings menu.
- Click New on the action bar, or select an item to edit.
- Type in a Name and Description for your Product Type. For example if you are health spa you may utilize Retail and Professional products. The description is for your reference only and it is not necessary that you fill this out.
- Choose a default Tax that you would like this Service Type to be assigned to. If you are not Tax registered set the default Tax to None.
- If the products are products you sell to your clients then make sure you tick the Allow Sales check box. Products that are available for sale will appear in the product list when recording a sale.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Deleting Product Types
- From the Product Types screen open the required item that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button on the action bar.
- If the item is not being used you will be prompted to confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button.