Set up your cash drawers and cash float settings. You can track as many cash drawers as you like and each user can have a default cash drawer assigned to them.
Adding and Editing Cash Drawers
- Navigate to the Cash Drawers section from the Settings menu.
- Click the New button on the actions menu, or select a cash drawer to edit.
- Type in a Name for the cash drawer.
- If you have a fixed starting cash float, enter this amount in the Starting Cash field. If the amount of cash at the end of the day is used as the starting float for the next day, then tick the Running Float check box.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
Deleting a Cash Drawer
- From the Cash Drawers screen open the required item that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button on the action bar.
- If the item is not being used you will be prompted to confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button.