Use the Cash Balances screen to run a cash up and ensure that physical cash and other receipt documents match what has been recorded on your system.
- Browse to the Cash Balances screen under the Cash menu.
Adding and Editing Cash Balances
- Browse to the Cash Balances screen under the Cash menu.
- Click New on the tool bar, or select an item to edit.
- Select the Cash Drawer you are performing this Cash Balance on.
- Adjust the Start and End time if necessary.
- Use the Cash, Credit Card, Vouchers and Cheque tabs to enter the Counted amounts for each payment method.
- You can use the '...' button on the Cash tab to display a cash calculator to assist with counting physical cash.
- Click the OK button to save your changes.
Deleting Cash Balances
- From the Cash Balances screen open the required item that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button on the action bar.
- If the item is not being used you will be prompted to confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button.