The Sales screen allows you to record any Client Invoices, Quotations or Credit Notes for your Clients.
When you save a Client Invoice the account balance of the Client will automatically be adjusted. Your stock levels for any retail or professional stock associated with the items on your Client Invoice will also be automatically updated.
If you need to cancel a Client Invoice you can either delete it, or record a Credit Note against that Client Invoice.
- Browse to the Sales screen under the Clients menu.
Adding and Editing Client Documents
- Click New Invoice, New Quotation or New Credit button on the tool bar, or select an item to edit.
- Set the Client for this document.
- The Account Balance field is a read-only indication of the Clients current account balance.
- Set the Document Date for this document.
- Enter a Reference and Description if required.
- Use the Add Product, Add Voucher, Add Service, Add Appointment and Add Custom buttons to add line items to the invoice.
- You can edit line items directly on the grid.
- The Comm Incl field indicates the total amount on which an employees commission percentage will be calculated. Normally this will be the same as the Sell Inclusive amount.
- You can also set a Source for this line item.
- Use the Add Custom button to add an item that does not exist in your database.
- Click Save & Close to save your changes.
- The Receipt screen will popup automatically to allow you to record how the client paid for this invoice.
- If you are working with a Client Invoice or Credit Note you can use the New Receipt button to capture a Receipt linked to the document. Alternatively, you could use the New Credit button to cancel the invoice.
- If you are working with a Quotation you can use the New Invoice button to create a new Client Invoice based on the Quotation.
Adding Invoice Batches
If you need to send out an Invoice for a specific Service to multiple Clients in a single operation you can use the Invoice Members function.
- From the Sales screen click the Invoice Members button.
- Select the Membership to invoice.
- Set the Document Date for these Invoices.
- Set a Reference and Description if required.
- Select the Service you are invoicing out.
- If an Invoice should only be created if the Client has not already been invoiced for the same item this month, then check the Only Invoice Once Per Month check box.
- Click the OK button to create the batch of invoices.
Deleting Client Documents
- From the Sales screen open the required item that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button on the action bar.
- If the item is not being used you will be prompted to confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button.