Set up the Employees that work at your business. Once an Employee is loaded onto the system you can track their shifts, work hours and scheduled appointments.
- Browse to the Employees screen under the Employees menu.
Adding and Editing Employees
- Browse to the Employees screen under the Employees menu.
- Click New on the action bar, or select an item to edit.
- Choose a Default Resource if you want to automatically book out a resource whenever this employee is selected for an appointment.
- Assign an Employee Type if you are making use of this feature.
- Set the Maximum Pax that can be assigned to this Employee at any point in time. For example, if they can accommodate two people at once then you would set this value to 2.
- If the Employee can only accommodate the Maximum Pax if they are on the same Appointment then tick the Per Booking check box. This will ensure you don't book strangers onto the same Employee by mistake.
- Set the Work Type of the employee. A Full Time worker always shows as available on the Scheduler. Shift and Locum workers only show as available if you set up a Shift for them on the Employee Scheduler.
- If you want this Employee to show on the Scheduler screen tick the Show On Calendar check box, and define their position using the Calendar Position field.
Use the Commission tab to setup the commission structure for the employee.
- Click New.
- If the commission is being paid to the employee, set the Type to Receivable By Employee.
- Select the Service Type this commission range applies to.
- Enter a starting and end range that the employee must reach in order for this commission range to apply.
- Enter the percentage they qualify for.
- Click OK.
- Repeat this process for the different commission ranges you offer.
Deleting Employees
- From the Employees screen open the required item that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button on the action bar.
- If the item is not being used you will be prompted to confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button.