The Purchases screen allows you to record any Purchase Orders, Goods Received Notes, Debit Notes and Supplier Invoices for your Suppliers.
A Purchase Order has no affect on the account balance of your Supplier or the stock levels of your Products. Only once you create or convert the Purchase Order into a Goods Received Note will your stock levels be updated.
If you want to track your Supplier account balances you must also create a Supplier Invoice document from the Purchase Order to Goods Received Note.
- Browse to the Purchases screen under the Suppliers menu.
Adding and Editing Supplier Documents
- Click New Purchase Order, New Goods Received Note, New Invoice or New Debit button on the action bar, or select an item to edit.
- Set the Supplier for this document.
- Set the Document Date for this document.
- Enter a Reference and Description if required.
- Under the Items section type in the Find function to find a specific Product.
- Set the Quantity of the item you want to add.
- Click the Add button to add the Product to your document. Repeat this process for all Product you require on the document.
- You can edit an item by clicking the Edit button in the list.
- Click Save to save your changes.
- If you are working with a or Purchase Order you can use the New Goods Received Note button to create a Goods Received Note from the Purchase Order, or use the New Invoice button to create a Supplier Invoice based on the Purchase Order.
- If you are working with a Goods Received Note you can use the New Invoice button to create a Client Invoice from the Goods Received Note.
- If you are working with a Supplier Invoice or Debit Note you can click the New Payment button record a payment linked to this document.
Deleting Supplier Documents
- From the Purchases screen open the required item that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button on the action bar.
- If the item is not being used you will be prompted to confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button.