There are a number of reasons your clients may not be receiving SMS or email messages sent to them via your account.
- Navigate to Messaging - Messages.
- Check the message is not sitting the list of Queued or Failed messages.
- If the message is still Queued it will be sent out shortly. If the message is in the Failed section you should be able to get some details of why it failed in the Error column.
- If the message shows in the Sent column then it has been successfully sent and you should consider some of the suggestions below.
SMS Messages
An SMS message can sometimes not be delivered if the client has actively blocked receiving the SMS message. There are also some services that prevent marketing SMS messages from being delivered to the client's mobile phone.
- Try sending yourself an SMS to confirm that messages are in fact being delivered.
- If the client is in front of you, confirm the mobile number you have saved for them and try and send them an SMS to check if it is delivered.
- If you can confirm the messages has not been sent, but it shows as Sent in ChiDesk you should contact your SMS service provider directly to see if they can track down why it is not being delivered.
Email Messages
Emails are very often moved into a client's Junk folder without them being aware of it. Ask them to check their Junk folder, and if they find the message to white-list the address it was sent from.
- It's also worthwhile to confirm you have the correct email address and spelling.