ChiDesk includes over 80 reports to gain insight into how your business is performing. All reports can be exported into PDF or Excel documents for further manual editing as needed. Below is a brief breakdown of all included reports.
Appointment List
Shows a list of all appointments for the selected date range.
Shows a list of all clients arriving for the selected date.
Arrival Details
Shows detailed client information for all arrivals.
Appointment Activity
Allows you to analyse what day of week your business is busiest, along with what time of day the majority of your appointments take place.
Client Schedule
Shows all appointment details for the selected client and date range.
Customer Satisfaction
Shows all customer satisfaction ratings that have been submitted for your appointments.
Cash Balance
Shows the details of a specific cash balance.
Cash Drawer
Shows all receipts, petty cash and gratuities that took place in a specific cash drawer.
Provides a printable version of the selected payment.
Shows all payments made to suppliers over the specified period.
Provides a printable version of the selected receipt.
Shows all receipts over a given period.
Class Activity
Allows you to analyse what day of week your classes are busiest.
Class Bookings
Shows a list of all class bookings and their states for the selected date range.
Class List
Shows a list of all classes for the selected date range.
Class Schedule
Shows all clients booked onto a particular class schedule.
Sign In Sheet
A printable sign in sheet to record your client’s arrival for a specific class.
Age Analysis
Shows you all clients that owe you money with an indication of how old the debt has become.
Check Ins
Show all client check ins over a period of time.
Shows all clients celebrating their birthday during the selected period.
Client Custom Form
Provides a printable version of the data from a custom form.
Client Demographics
The client demographics report helps you identify key information about your clients such as gender, age and location.
Client Details
Shows detailed information about the selected client.
Client Document
Can be run for an Invoice, Quotation or Credit Note that you can print or email to your client.
Client Invoice Slip
A smaller version of the Client Document report for use with a slip printer.
Client List
Shows all clients loaded in your system.
Client Notes
Show all client notes recorded during a selected date range.
Client Sources
Shows what source your clients came from along with additional marketing data.
Shows a detailed statement of account for the selected client.
Custom Forms
Find all clients who have completed a selected custom form during a selected date range.
Drop Offs
Shows all clients that have not checked in or attended a class or appointment during the selected date range.
Shows all loyalty earned, used and expired for the selected date range.
Shows all clients assigned to a membership.
Membership History
Shows a historical summary of each client's membership history.
Shows which clients referred other clients that have visited your business.
Top Spenders
Shows an ordered list of clients in order of how much they spent at your business during the selected period.
Provides a printable version of the selected coupon.
Coupon List
Shows all coupons captured in your system.
Coupon Usage
Shows all coupons redeemed over the specified period of time.
Course Liability
Calculates the liability to your business, based on the amount of outstanding courses at a given point in time.
Course Statement
Shows details of all courses purchased, used and transferred for the selected client.
Course Usage
Shows a summary of courses used per client.
Shows a summary of all used and outstanding courses per client for a selected date range.
Shows a list of your employees.
Shows all employees celebrating their birthdays over the selected period.
Client Retention
Shows the total and repeat clients over a selected period.
Client Types
Tracks the number of Appointments set to a specific Client Type for a specific date range and employee.
Employee Commission
Calculates commission earned by your employees for the selected period.
Shows the total gratuities received and paid to your employees over a given period.
Hours Worked
Calculates the total hours worked over a given period based on appointments.
Employee Schedule
Shows details of all appointments assigned to your employees for the selected date range.
Time Records
Calculates the total hours worked based on time records.
Work Schedule
Shows details of all shifts, sick and other off days setup for the selected employees and date range.
Accounting Documents
Shows all documents of a selected type for a given date range.
Open Invoices
Shows all client invoices that do not have receipts linked to them.
Price List
Shows the prices for all items in the selected price list.
Shows all purchases recorded on supplier documents over a given period.
Track quotations and conversions per employee
Recurring Transactions
Shows all recurring transactions created during the selected date range.
Calculates your revenue by taking your total sales, less discounts given, and less vouchers and courses redeemed.
Shows you all the items that were invoiced during the specified date range.
Sales Analysis
Quickly summarize your sales data by a variety of criteria for a specific date range. Use the Edit Fields button to drag and drop fields onto the pivot grid.
Sales Projection
Calculates projected sales based on future appointments.
Source Commission
Shows you the source of all sales for the selected period along with any calculated commission.
Shows your various targets versus what has been achieved for the selected date range.
Calculates the input and output tax over the selected period.
Audit Trail
Shows all activities performed on your system.
Contact List
Shows all contacts making up the selected contact list.
Custom Fields
Show custom field values with their associated items.
Shows all recorded logs over a specific period. These are manually recorded data items and are not system logs. The Audit Trails reports shows all system activities.
Message List
Shows all email and SMS messages in your message queue.
Calculates the total utilisation of your employees and resources over a given period.
Allows you to print price or bar code labels for your products using a supported label printer.
Outstanding Orders
Shows all purchase orders that have not been converted into goods received notes.
Product List
Shows all products available to your clients or for professional usage.
Projected Usage
Calculates the projected product usage for a specific period based on service recipes.
Stock Adjustments
Shows all changes in stock quantity and cost for a selected period.
Stock Movement
Shows opening quantities, inflows, outflows and final amounts on hand for a specific period.
Stock Take List
Provides a printable list of your products with an empty column to manually fill in the counted amount during a stock take.
Stock Takes
Shows all stock takes taken during the chosen date range.
Supplier Document
Can be run for a Purchase Order, Goods Received Note, Supplier Invoice or Debit Note for a supplier.
Supplier List
Shows all suppliers loaded in your system.
Calculates the value of your stock for the selected period in time.
Package List
Shows all packages available to your clients.
Shows the products used and the method required for performing the selected service.
Service Appointments
Shows all service appointments over the specified date range.
Service List
Shows the services you offer to your clients.
Provides a printable version of the selected voucher.
Voucher Liability
Calculates the liability to your business based on outstanding vouchers for the selected date.
Voucher List
Shows all vouchers issued or available for sale by your business.
Voucher Usage
Shows all vouchers redeemed over the specified period of time.