The Sales report will show you all sales of Services, Products, Vouchers and other items recorded during the selected date range.
- Keep in mind that the sales paid for using a Voucher will also be shown here. To avoid double-counting a sale, make sure you use the Voucher Usage report to track voucher redemptions.
- If you want to see how sales were paid for you can use the Receipts report to show all receipts and their payment methods.
Run the Report
- Browse to Reports - Sales.
- Select which options you require when running the report.
- Click Run Report.
Report Options
- Use the Item Types filter to choose what types of sales are shown.
- Under the Grouping tab you can choose how to group the sales data. For instance, if you wanted to show a summary of sales by Item (for instance 10 Aromatherapy Massages), you would choose to Group by Item. If you want to see the individual sales of these items, you would leave this option un-ticked.
- Under the Filtering tab you can filter sales down to a specific item, Supplier or Employee. You can also choose to only show Room Charges, Online Sales and to sort the report by items with the most sales using the Order By Popularity option.