The Employee Commission report shows all invoice items linked to a specific employee, and then uses the Commission structure assigned to the employee to calculate commission owed for a specific date range.
- Shared employees, or employees assigned to multiple sites will show all sales from all sites on which they operate.
Report Options
Receipt Must Exist
If ticked, any sales invoices that do not have a receipt attached to them will be excluded from the list of sale items.
Calculate Based on Appointment Date
Items will only be included based on the appointment date, instead of the date of invoice. This can be useful if you do a lot of pre-paid appointments and only want to pay commission out in the date of performance.
Show Commission Payable By Employee
Determines whether to show commission amounts payable by the Employee if setup on their Commission structure. This is used where an employee 'rents' space or a chair in a business and pays a portion of their earnings to your business.
Calculate Excluding Tax
Indicates whether the sales amounts used on the report and in calculating the commission structure ranges, include or exclude any taxes.
Calculate By Range
If ticked, commission will be calculated for each specific range achieved in the commission structure, instead of the being calculated on the highest range achieved. For instance, if John Smith has a commission structure setup with 0-1000 they earn 10%, 1001-2000 they earn 20%. If he earns 1500 during the selected period then the calculation would be as follows:
Ticked: Commission would be 10% of 1000 plus 20% of 500, totalling 200.
Unticked: Commission would be 20% of 1500, totalling 300.
Deduct Loyalty
If ticked, any invoices paid for using loyalty will add an extra negative line item that deducts a portion of the sale based on the amount of loyalty redeemed. This is used if do not want to pay employees commission on sales paid for using loyalty.
Show Summary
Show a summary of all items per employee, instead of listing each individual sale item.