ChiDesk automates the process of creating your monthly debit order batches in the NetCash debit ordering system.
To setup the integration you need to approach your NetCash account manager and ask them to send you a Debit Order Service Key, and a Vault Service Key (if you will be processing debit orders against credit cards. This is not needed for bank account debits).
Once you have these details enter them into ChiDesk:
- Navigate to the Settings section. Then select Add-Ons, and select NetCash.
- Under the Direct Debit section, enter the Debit Order Service Key as provided by NetCash.
- Set the Vault Service Key as provided by NetCash.
- Click Save.
Before you can add a batch to NetCash you need to capture the bank or credit card details for each of your Clients. Open a Client and select the Details tab.
To capture bank account details scroll down to the Bank Account section:
- Select an account type and enter the account number and branch code.
- Click the Validate button to check with NetCash if the details entered are valid.
- Save the client.
To capture credit card details scroll down to the Credit Card section:
- Click the Add button and a new screen will be displayed.
- Enter all the required card details.
- Click OK.
- NetCash will generate a unique token to refer to this credit card. No sensitive credit card information is stored in ChiDesk.
- Save the client.
To add a batch of items for collection in NetCash, navigate to the Sales section of ChiDesk.
- Click the Direct Debit button. (Requires the Process Direct Debit security permission).
- Select the date for the debit order to go off.
- Under the Client Invoices section adjust the date range to filter the Client Invoices you would like to collect payment for.
- Use the check box on the grid to select the Invoices you want to add to the batch.
- Click the Save & Close button.
NetCash will process the upload and you will receive an email from their system to indicate whether the batch was successfully created or not. Once you receive this email you will be able to view the batch in NetCash and approve it for collection.
- NB. You must login and authorize the batch from your NetCash account in order for the debit order collection to be processed.
Once the debit order batch has been processed you will need to record these receipts by processing a batch receipt in ChiDesk.
- Navigate to the Receipts screen and click the New Batch button.
- Add the clients whose debit orders went off without any problems.
- Click the Save & Close button to create the receipts.